Chromagram: a 12-dimensional chromagram, restricted with mid-range emphasis.At each frame the Semitone Spectrum is multiplied by a bass pattern and then mapped to the 12 chroma bins.

Bass Chromagram: a 12-dimensional chromagram, restricted to the bass range.If NNLS is selected in the parameters, this is the note activation, otherwise just a linear mapping to semitones. Semitone Spectrum: a spectral representation with one bin per semitone.Tuned Log-frequency Spectrum: has the same format as Log-frequency Spectrum, but has been processed by the following processes: tuning, subtraction of background spectrum, spectral whitening.Log-frequency Spectrum: a spectrum similar to the well-known constant Q spectrum, in which bins are linear in log-frequency.“Chromagram” and “Bass Chromagram” outputs. “Chroma and Bass Chromagram” output will be different from the individual 12-dim. Note that normalisation implies that the joint 24-dim. If the setting is not ‘none’, then each chroma frame separately is divided by the chosen vector norm. chroma normalisation (none, maximum norm, L1 norm, L2 norm default: none): determines whether or how the chromagrams are normalised.Their harmonic amplitude follows a geometrically decreasing pattern, in which the i-th harmonic has an amplitude of ^, where “^” means “to the power of”. spectral shape (0.5 - 0.9 default: 0.7): the shape of the notes in the NNLS dictionary.For values other than 0.0 the log-freq spectral bins are divided by ^, where “^” means “to the power of”. spectral whitening (0.0 - 1.0 default: 1.0): determines how much the log-frequency spectrum is whitened.Local tuning is only advisable when the tuning is likely to change over the audio, for example in podcasts, or in a cappella singing. tuning mode (global or local default: global): local uses a local average for tuning, global uses all audio frames.A value of 0 means that no bins will be changed. All bins below the first bin whose cumulative energy exceeds the quantile x will be set to 0. Consider the cumulative energy spectrum (from low to high frequencies).

* running standardisation: subtraction of the running mean, division by the running standard deviation. bin 2, 5, 8, …) corresponds to a semitone, even if the tuning of the piece deviates from 440 Hz standard pitch. * tuning, after which each centre bin (i.e. On this representation, two processing steps are performed: The spectrum is transformed to a log-frequency spectrum (constant-Q) with three bins per semitone. The plugin was originally developed to extract treble and bass chromagrams for subsequent use in chord extraction methods. NNLS Chroma analyses a single channel of audio using frame-wise spectral input from the Vamp host. System identifier – vamp:nnls-chroma:nnls-chroma The plugins are described below, starting with the most comprehensive first. Implementation by Matthias Mauch and Chris Cannam. The methods used in the library were developed by Matthias Mauch, supported by the EPSRC-funded OMRAS2 Project.
#Chordino chord dictionary mac
Then just use them in a host such as Sonic Visualiser or Audacity, which are also open source.Ī video of the installation on a Mac is available here.
#Chordino chord dictionary mac osx
If you want to start right away, you can download readily compiled binaries for Windows and Mac OSX (Intel) (see here).